Scottish AI Alliance
Delivering on Scotland's vision to be a leader in trustworthy, ethical and inclusive AI
Empowering Scotland's People
Supporting Scotland's businesses and organisations
Influencing policies that impact Scotland
What is Artificial Intelligence?
It is difficult to define Artificial Intelligence as there is not an agreed upon definition and different people can mean different things when they use the term ‘Artificial Intelligence’. Explore our definitions that you may find helpful.
Children and AI
Taking a children’s rights approach, Children’s Parliament have been asking Members of Children’s Parliament (MCPs) to think about what needs to happen for AI to play a role in keeping all children happy, healthy, and safe.
The Stage 1 summary report offers an overview of the project so far and a detailed perspective on the opinions of children across Scotland regarding AI and their rights.
The Stage 2 report is a summary of the progress and findings of the Stage 2 project and includes a detailed account of the children’s exploration of key themes in relation to children’s rights and AI.