AI Accelerator Programme update


Guest blog by Katy Guthrie of Edinburgh Innovations

Since the Data-Driven Entrepreneurship AI Accelerator programme launched in September, we have been extremely busy. It’s hard to believe we are over a third of the way through the AI Accelerator programme and we are already looking ahead to our demo day on 17th March 2022. We will be hosting this at the magnificent Playfair Library Hall in the centre of Edinburgh in person and online. It will be a great opportunity to meet the twelve data-driven companies taking part in the accelerator, so if you have an interest in AI start-ups and would like to attend, get in touch with me.

What has the AI Accelerator cohort been up to? In October we spent a couple of days in London hosted by our accelerator partner Scale Space. For many of the companies, it was the first trip to London since the pandemic hit, so we were all fairly excited, mixed perhaps with a little bit of trepidation. One of the highlights of the trip was a session delivered by Blenheim Chalcot’s Head of Investments which provided a really engaging and practical perspective on how they select companies to invest in. We also had a “Meet the AI Accelerator” networking event to showcase the cohort and meet similar early stage companies in the Scale Space White City community – thoroughly enjoyed by all.

Our programme comprises a combination of online and face to face activity and meeting in person has definitely helped with the formation of relationships between participants. Being a founder of a scaling company can be a lonely place, so being able to share these experiences with peers can be really helpful. Sometimes our informal catch-ups can feel a little bit like group therapy sessions!

Most of the activities on the programme are geared towards helping founders with developing both their product offering and their entrepreneurial skills. Thus far we have covered financial management, leadership and culture, story-telling and more. And everyone has had the opportunity to meet and pitch to investors at least twice so far, with more opportunities in the pipeline.

The AI Accelerator is part of a wider programme of Data-Driven Entrepreneurship support, which aims to support emerging entrepreneurs through the early ideation and company formation stages through to scaling and pitching for investment at EIE; Engage Invest Exploit is Scotland’s premier technology investor showcase. One of the earlier stage initiatives - the Venture Builder Incubator - launched at the end of November and runs until March. There are 20 groups in total and over a quarter of them are using AI, so it potentially provides a pipeline of businesses for future AI Accelerators. It’s a shorter and less intense programme than the AI Accelerator and aims to support PhD students who are commercialising their research – or have other entrepreneurial ambitions. This time round, the venture builder is being run in partnership with Cancer Research UK with 8 out of the 20 participating groups tackling some aspect of cancer care.

I’m looking forward to a packed programme of activity with the AI Accelerator in the New Year, although first we have another trip to London in December. As well as meeting with InnovateUK, DIT and more, covid restrictions allowing, the trip will include attending our partner Scale Space’s Christmas party, through a lucky coincidence of dates (honest!). The AI Accelerator is also having a well-deserved break over Christmas before restarting bright and early in January with a session on developing your elevator pitch. Something I’m sure I could also use!

If you want to know more about the programme or get involved – you can contact me on

Steven Scott

We are twofifths design agency. We design logos, create unforgettable brands, design & build beautiful websites, and bring stories to life through animated motion graphics films.

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