image credit: Tim West / DeepMind / UNSPLASH
Strategy Actions
2.2 In collaboration with Research Data Scotland, initiate a programme to unlock the value of data through trustworthy innovation for the benefit of everyone
2.8 Develop Framework proposals to unlock the value of data, which will be informed by public and stakeholder engagement
2.15 Secure safe, proportionate and privacy-preserving access to data for research and innovation in the public interest, including Open Data and Research Data Scotland
2.17 Implement the Framework for unlocking the value of data
Year 2 Progress
Research Data Scotland
Research Data Scotland (RDS) was established in 2021 to promote and advance health and social wellbeing in Scotland by enabling access to public sector data about people, places and businesses, and creating the conditions for collaborative data-driven research and innovation in the public good using that data.
To achieve this goal, key is increasing the speed of approvals for data access, reducing cost to researchers and continuing to demonstrate trustworthiness in the way data is managed and used. RDS have listened to service users and those delivering services to develop a system blueprint for a Researcher Access Service that simplifies the process of researchers getting and using data. This was done in partnership with Public Health Scotland’s electronic Data Research & Innovation Service team. RDS have now brought in a digital partner to scope the technology and other changes needed to deliver on the blueprint.
Over the last year, RDS have started making changes to improve data access: to the metadata catalogue for datasets available in the National Safe Haven, and guidance and support materials for researchers making it easier to formulate an ask for data and get this approved. RDS is establishing a new Information Governance approach with Scottish Government, National Records of Scotland, and Public Health Scotland. This will allow rapid approvals where projects have low risk or clear precedent already in bringing those data together. Over 2023, RDS will launch a pilot service for “simple” research projects using this to test a full Researcher Access Service. This will digitise the process: helping researchers get the application through independent panels (where needed) first time, helping better organise delivery, and providing more useful information to researchers.
RDS will continue to work with organisations across Scotland and the UK to align policies, processes and approaches to making data available for research. This includes optimising arrangements for industry access to data for research in the public good while garnering strong public support for this.
Unlocking the Value of Data Programme
The Unlocking the Value of Data Programme was launched in March 2022, under the strategic direction of an Independent Expert Group (IEG), chaired by Professor Angela Daly of Dundee University.
The aim of this multi-disciplinary group has been to advise the Scottish Government about how Scottish public sector data controllers can make ethical, informed decisions about how public sector personal data may be used - with and by the private sector - in a way which benefits the people of Scotland and commands their trust.
The IEG has been supported by a Practitioner Forum, whose participants include Research Data Scotland and the Scottish Information Commissioner’s Office. The IEG will produce a report, with recommendations and principles for the use of public sector personal data by the private sector, in spring 2023.
The programme has engaged practitioners and the public in shaping high-level principles intended to inform this type of data use. Further engagement with industry, practitioners and the public is planned.
A series of blogs has documented the progress in delivering this programme.