Scottish Public Sector AI Task Force Meeting Nov 2023


The Scottish Public Sector AI Task Force joins together discussions across the public sector on AI to turn them into actionable steps to ensure the safe integration of AI in government operations.

On this page you can find details from the November 2023 Public Sector AI Task Force meeting.


13 November 2023, 14:00

Welcome and Updates  

  • The chair welcomed the members to the second meeting of the AI task force.

  • The Bletchley Declaration has been signed by several countries following the UK AI Safety Summit.

  • The White House has announced an Executive Order on AI.

  • The University of Edinburgh have announced a newly created Generative AI Lab.

  • Four Scottish Universities are receiving funding from UKRI Centres for Doctoral Training.

Actions completed from last meeting

  • Terms of Reference agreed with no objections.  Agreed to review regularly. 


 AI in Social Security – Social Security Scotland

  • Essential to ensure corporate processes are suitable for fast moving technological solutions whilst ensuring the investment in AI skills for staff. Working group set up by Social Security Scotland to consider the potential AI solutions.

AI in the Analytical Function – Scottish Government

  • Discussed issues around AI use in Social Sciences and working with UK Government colleagues on AI use cases.  Recently published ONS survey on UK public views of AI.


  • No AOB 

Recommended reading 


Scottish Public Sector AI Task Force Meeting Jan 2024


Scottish Public Sector AI Task Force Meeting Oct 2023