News, People Elena Connarty News, People Elena Connarty

Children’s Rights and AI Project Reaches Major Milestone

Stage 2 of the project ‘Exploring Children’s Rights and AI’ has recently reached its conclusion with the launch of a new report and film charting the process undertaken by children across Scotland to develop 12 Calls to Action. Find out exactly what children in Scotland think about AI and how it impacts their rights.

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News Gordon Johnstone News Gordon Johnstone

State of AI Report 2023-2024

We're very pleased to publish our State of AI Report 2023-2024! The report gives an account of the progress made in the past year on the delivery of Scotland's AI Strategy.

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News Steven Scott News Steven Scott

Data Summit 2023 Highlights

In November, the Scottish AI Alliance exhibited at Data Summit 2023. While AI was at the top of the agenda, and dominated most of the discussions, complementary topics included space, healthcare, education, culture, and genomics.

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